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Design in a sociocultural context

Personal work, 2020

As the prevailing situation, the outbreak of Covid-19, force people to change their usual habits with social distancing, isolation, and to think more about hygiene, this project explores the possibility of organizing ourselves with something as familiar as water. How can rituals with water bring a sense of meaning and stability in precarious times?



See full report

Handwashing intervention

Design in a sociocultural context, 2020

Inspired by the women who washed their clothes down the river in Gotenburg sitting on the stairs, I performed my own ritual, by washing my hands in public at Lejontrappan in April, 2020.

“The act is simply a response to the precarious situation we find ourselves in and an attempt to regain the feeling of being in control. Washing our hands has once and for all gone from a private matter to be a vital, global ritual.”


The hand made kit of concrete is giving a sense of the order of the steps of the ritual. By performing it in different constellations the role of acting stage or audience is shifting between the stairs and the river.


The handwashing intervention is part of the project Water in a sociocultural context.





Cultural probes

Design in a sociocultural context, 2020

By the kit I was looking for emotional recollections of experiences to track how we interact with water in our daily life, how and if it brings us meaning and continuity (for instance in times of isolation), and explore what transforming everyday habits to rituals could generate.


The probe kit consists of five probes for the participant to interact with. 1. A zine for inspiration. 2. A prototype of a phone camera (substituting a disposable camera) to use for number 4. Number 3 is a task to document daily water activities and use a set of stickers to evaluate the activity. 4. A golden postcard on which to document your very own water ritual, where you can use the soap provided. 5. Is an evaluation where the participant can share thoughts and feelings about the participation.


The cultural probes are a part of the project Water in a sociocultural context




Probe kit.jpg
Blue probes.jpg


Design in a sociocultural context, 2020

The zine is a part of the Cultural Probe Kit in the project Water in a sociocultural context




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